Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I always get quite retrospective before my birthday. It is a time when I look back at the year that has been and also the time that I quietly freak out that I am getting older and have and haven't achieved all the things I had planned. I throughly believe in never having regrets and the fact you make your own luck but sometimes you can think that you could have done that little bit more.

I love my birthday and the festivities around it. Catching up with all my friends, drinking champagne to celebrate and having big family dinners...

Look out 28!

Image: Bella Mumma

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Heavenly Hydrangeas

Yipppeee! As a flower lover there is nothing more exciting than the thought that Spring is just around the corner (13 days to be exact as my birthday falls on the first day) and beautiful new bright fresh flowers will be filling the florists and markets.

Hydrangeas have just arrived in my local florist and I am trying not to rush out and buy them all.

Image: Bottom of the Ironing Basket

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ocean Retreat

I remember someone once saying that those that swam in the ocean everyday lived longer. I completely believe this. Just one weekend away catching up on sleep and going for long runs along the beach and resting has completely rejuvinated me.

I am fresher at work, I am looking forward to catching up with friends AND I am dreaming of my next weekend down there...

Image: Young and Free in the Sun

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Seaside

This weekend I am heading down to my favourite beach spot in the world and couldn't be more excited about it. There is just something so magical about the ocean and how calming it can be, especially during winter where you don't feel guilty snuggling up in bed with a good book.

The Kooks had it right the whole time... 'do you want to be by the seaside?'

Image: Hunky Dory

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


It has recently occured to me that due to travel and living overseas, the boy and I are beginning to see that we are a few chapters behind our peers in the house market.

Our friends are buying beautiful houses and getting into the next stage of their lives. We are renters and will be for a few years yet. Sometimes this overwhelms me and sometimes I think 'who cares'? We will hopefully get there one day and buy the perfect house with the perfect garden.

Time to put our heads down?!

Image: via 79 ideas

Monday, August 8, 2011


I feel like I am always writing about somewhere I would rather be than work, but I do love my job, i just think I am ready for a holiday. Some time when I can just read my book, float in the ocean and drink cocktails watching the sunset. YES please!

I have this image as the desktop of my computer so when I am stressed I can click back and do some summer sun daydreaming.

Image: Young and Free in the Sun